Sunday, February 1, 2009

#3 - Julia's Update

Date Sent: Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 9:10 PM

Julia here. Well, it's now Thursday evening. Harrison has been discharged, and I haven't.

Julia developed an infection while at the hospital, and has been put on antibiotics. The surgeons won't perform the final procedure she needs (putting in the "permanent" iv into her chest for the medication she needs to go directly into a vein going into her heart) until the infection has cleared. They are worried that it will spread to this new site otherwise. They're currently quoting us a Tuesday discharge - - it's going to be a LONG weekend for us!

Our friends from home who have been watching Alex during all of this drove out to Pittsburgh today to pick up our little one. He will stay with them (and his big brother) until we are allowed to leave. As you can only imagine (unless you've also been separated by four hours from your newborn), this has been a VERY emotionally packed day! Honestly, I doubt I have the stamina to make the car ride home. But I so badly want to be headed home also. We're super grateful for the generosity of the Brubakers and our other friends at home who helped to make this possible today.

Before leaving town, Aaron brought Harrison over to this hospital from the one he was in so that he and I could get acquainted. It was WONDERFUL BEYOND WORDS for the three of us to spend time together in the same room! I saw him twice just after delivery before I was transfered to this hospital, but with how sedated I was, they're really cloudy memories. Despite the difficulty of today, being able to be together as a three-some was very soothing! Now we need to make it a four-some with our Alex.

Thankfully God is giving us a measure of peace in the midst of this emotional storm. We don't know why it is that this "bump" has been put in our road. Although it's quite discouraging, we're trying to focus on the fact that only God can see the big picture, and there must be some reason that hopefully we'll realize in hindsight.

So far today I have gotten out of bed three times. They're working on weaning me down from my previously almost insatiable need for oxygen. I've finally been taken off the face mask, and am using the kind that has prongs into the nose.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Julia and Aaron

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